Family Law Articles

Category: Arbitration

What is the Difference Between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce?

By on January 26, 2023 | Arbitration, Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation

During a separation or divorce in Alberta, couples are often locked in disputes that are difficult to resolve. However, the court is not the only option in these situations. Disputing couples are often encouraged to try to resolve matters out of court using alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or collaboration between lawyers. Mediation…   Continue Reading »

Alternative Family Dispute Resolutions in Alberta

By on December 19, 2022 | Arbitration, Collaborative Law, Family Law, Mediation

Disputes should be expected in families. With all the emotions at play in family relationships, marriages, divorces, deaths, and other major life events can become stressful and difficult to manage. It is how these disputes are resolved that can help define families. Fortunately, litigation is not the only resolution option for such disputes. Courtroom trials…   Continue Reading »

Essential Guide to Alberta Divorce Mediation & Arbitration

By on June 15, 2020 | Arbitration, Divorce, Family Law, Mediation, Separation

Facing a divorce means you have a journey ahead, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll end up in court. If you and your divorcing spouse are not able to hammer out terms that you can both agree to – with the guidance of your respective Alberta family lawyers – there are other options available…   Continue Reading »



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