Family Law Articles

Category: Restraining Orders

Restraining Orders – What to do When Being Harassed

By on July 18, 2017 | Divorce, Restraining Orders

The breakdown of a family relationship is always hard. But it can be unbearable if the romantic relationship is replaced with a hostile, violent, or vexatious one.  So what do you do then? Assuming all practical fixes break down, the parties can resort to one of three court applications: 1)   Emergency Protection Order (EPO), 2)  …   Continue Reading »

The real costs of court and litigation

By on June 22, 2014 | Child Support, Divorce, Marriage, Restraining Orders

Canadian Lawyer Magazine ( published the results of their legal fees survey in the June 2014 edition of their magazine.  The broke down the cost of legal fees by area in Canada, area of law, and provided minimum – average – maximum ranges. What I find compelling is the difference in legal fees for contested […]

What to bring to my initial consultation?

By on June 6, 2014 | Child Support, Divorce, Marriage, Restraining Orders, Taxes, Wills

Consultations with lawyers are expensive.  You want to make sure you get the best value for your money when going to the first consultation with a lawyer.  Here is a checklist of information to assemble and steps to take to ensure your consultation with a lawyer is successful: 1.  Marriage certificate, if you have it.  […]

The cost of court and out of court settlement

By on January 31, 2014 | Child Support, Divorce, Marriage, Restraining Orders, Taxes

There is an interesting article in the January 31, 2014 Calgary Herald titled “Triage desks planned for courthouses” (City & Region section, page A7).  The purpose of the triage desks is to provide litigants information about their case, and to suggest alternatives to court.  This is an excellent idea, and should be pursued. Of course, […]

Legal Advice – why you need it

By on March 1, 2013 | Canada Pension Plan, Child Support, Divorce, Marriage, Restraining Orders, Taxes, Wills

I read an interesting case decided by the Honourable Justice S.L. Hunt McDonald; you can read it here: One issue was the enforcement of a Matrimonial Property Agreement.  One of the spouses was challenging an agreement that was prepared by lawyers, signed by the spouses before lawyers, and had certificates of Independent Legal Advice […]



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