Family Law Articles

Category: Child Support

Child Support Guidelines for Alberta

By on May 9, 2024 | Child Support, Family Law

After a couple with children separates or divorces in Alberta, child support is usually paid by one parent to the other so that the financial burden of raising the children is shared fairly. The support is intended to contribute to the daily needs and care of a dependent child until it is no longer required—and…   Continue Reading »

Options for Resolving Custody Outside of Court in Alberta

By on April 12, 2024 | Child Custody, Child Support, Family Law

When couples in Alberta divorce or separate with children, there is more than one way to resolve child custody matters apart from heading to court. Litigation and courtroom trials may make interesting movies but the reality is that most parents in Alberta are able to settle parenting plans outside of court by discussion and negotiation…   Continue Reading »

What If We Don’t Agree on the Amount of Child Support After Separation?

By on March 16, 2023 | Child Support, Separation

Discussing child support and custody issues after a separation can be especially challenging for parents — but they are high on the list of items that must be decided. When it comes to child support, it helps to know more about the rules in Alberta, as well as what it’s meant to cover and how…   Continue Reading »

Termination of Parental Rights in Alberta: What You Need to Know

By on January 20, 2022 | Child Custody, Child Support, Family Law, Parental Rights

Every parent has both obligations and rights concerning their children. For instance, they must care for their children’s needs, such as providing food, housing, clothing, education, medical care, and so on. They also have a right to maintain frequent contact with their children. These rights and obligations continue even after a marriage dissolves but are…   Continue Reading »

What are Section 7 Child Support Expenses in Alberta?

By on October 25, 2021 | Child Support, Section 7

Child support expenses that are payable over and above the monthly base amount is a topic that is covered in both Section 7 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines and the Alberta Child Support Guidelines. Such payments are usually paid by one parent to the other parent to cover the special or “extraordinary” expenses incurred…   Continue Reading »



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