Family Law Articles

Posts by Dane Tousignant

Co-parenting during a Pandemic – How does COVID-19 affect your co-parenting regime?

By on March 30, 2020 | All, Parenting

Coronavirus has disrupted all of our lives. In addition to all the burdens placed on the general population, separated parents are placed in a particularly challenging position because their response is tied to an individual with whom they might not see eye-to-eye even in the best of times. Even generally cooperative coparents are struggling with the lack of clear direction…   Continue Reading »

What to expect when you’re served with an Emergency Protection Order (EPO)

By on April 20, 2018 | Divorce

An Emergency Protection Order is a provincial court order which generally prohibit the respondent from contacting or coming anywhere near the claimant and their family members.  For an EPO to be granted a judge or justice of the peace must be satisfied that family violence has occurred, that the claimant has reason to believe that…   Continue Reading »

Property Division after Death in Alberta

By on March 29, 2018 | Wills

If a lawsuit is started before a party dies the estate can often chose to continue that lawsuit.  But when the surviving family members start suing each other after a spouse dies things are more complicated.  That’s what happened in the recent is case of Stalzer Estate v. Stalzer, [2018] A.J. No. 315.  The resulting…   Continue Reading »

Restraining Orders – What to do When Being Harassed

By on July 18, 2017 | Divorce, Restraining Orders

The breakdown of a family relationship is always hard. But it can be unbearable if the romantic relationship is replaced with a hostile, violent, or vexatious one.  So what do you do then? Assuming all practical fixes break down, the parties can resort to one of three court applications: 1)   Emergency Protection Order (EPO), 2)  …   Continue Reading »

Finances After Divorce – buying or renting a new home

By on April 5, 2017 | Divorce

Usually a separation means that someone needs to find a new place to live.  The New York Times has a useful tool for looking at the long-term costs of renting versus buying.   You may find this tool useful if you are looking for new accommodation for yourself, but it can also be useful […]



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